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25/03/2025 - 15:42

Doctoral programmes

Doctoral programmes

The Université de Toulouse offers 15 doctoral programmes

The 15 Doctoral Programmes represent a research potential of 5,300 scientists working in top ranking research centers and 4,300 PhD Candidates (among whom 40% are international students).

The École des Docteurs has a unique dedicated International PhD Office, federated the 15 doctoral schools, providing information, advice and support for PhD candidates wishing to study abroad and international students wishing to enroll in a PhD programmes at the Université de Toulouse.
"L'École des Docteurs" representing a total of 9,100 research personnel, including 5,100 academic staff and 4,300 PhD students, with 900 PhDs awarded per year. It covers all scientific domains and it is located in the Occitanie region.

15 Doctoral programmes

♦ Experimental Sciences and Technology

  • Aeronautics and astronautics - AA (.pdf)
  • Biology, Health and Biotechnologies - BSB (.pdf)
  • Geosciences, Astrophysics,
Space science and Environment SDU2E(.pdf)
  • Electrical Engineering, Electronic and Telecommunications - GEET (.pdf)
  • Mathematics, Informatics and Telecommunications - MITT(.pdf)
  • Physics, Chemistry 
and Material Sciences SDM (.pdf)
  • Systems - EDSYS (.pdf)
  • Mechanics, Energetics, Civil and Process Engineering - MEGeP(.pdf)
  • Science for Ecology, Veterinary, Agronomy and Bioengineering SEVAB(.pdf)

♦ Social Sciences & Humanities

  • Arts, Literature, Languages, Philosophy, Information and Communication - ALLPH@ (.pdf)
  • Communication, Language, Education, Socialisation and Cognition - CLESCO (.pdf)
  • Management Science - SG (.pdf)
  • Legal and Political Sciences - DSP (.pdf)
  • Time, Territory, Societies and Cultures - TESC (.pdf)
  • Toulouse School of Economics - TSE (.pdf)