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25/03/2025 - 15:10

A multidisciplinary campus

A multidisciplinary campus

A leading multidisciplinary campus

The wide portfolio of courses on offer can be divided into four main areas: Arts, Humanities and LanguagesLaw, Economics and Management, Human and social sciences, Science, Technology, Health and Engineering sciences.

Wide-ranging academic excellence

After nearly 8 centuries of existence, the University of Toulouse is currently home to 110,000 students and 17,000 staff members. One of the largest academic hubs in France, the community brings together 22 higher-education institutions from across the western Occitanie region. Thanks to world-class research, cutting edge education programs and a unique private sector, the University of Toulouse is committed to building the world of tomorrow, playing a pivotal role in addressing the environmental and educational challenges facing modern societies.

Fifteen doctoral schools of high repute

The 15 Doctoral Schools are part of "L'École des Docteurs". All together, over 5000 PhD students can carry out their studies thanks to the top-ranking training programms in an extensive range of subject areas and to complementary job-oriented seminars/workshops aimed to develop the skills required for a successful professional integration.

Outstanding and innovative research

Occitanie region is the leading French region for research with 16.2 researchers for 1,000 salaried positions and 4.1% of GDP spent on research – around twice the European average (view source on INSEE website)

An attractive living environment

Situated between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, in the heart of Southern France and close to the Pyrénées mountain range, the Occitanie region has long been a major crossroads in Europe. Attracting 15 000 newcomers every year, Toulouse, the capital of the region which has been fast growing both demographically and economically, boasts a particularly rich vibrant cultural and artistic heritage.

Student life in the city

Many services and facilities are designed to help the students get easier access to accommodation (regional guarantee system), benefit from cultural events, improve their language skills...

Major development projects

"L'Université de Toulouse" has received financial support from the French government and regional and local authorities for its future development. It has had two major bids accepted: Plan Campus and the Toulouse Excellence Initiative.

High quality facilities

The University of Toulosue boasts highly sophisticated facilities, including a library of around 2 million library documents and innovative digital support systems.

An international centre

Occitanie has an international reputation for its cutting-edge aerospace, agronomic, health and economic research platforms. Over 11,000 students come from all over the world to pursue their studies at Toulouse and we provide international centres for research in a wide range of fields.

National research organizations partners of University of Toulouse

Centre National d'Études Spatiales

Centre National d'Études Spatiales

Research organization

President: Jean-Paul Moatti

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Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Research organization
President: Antoine Petit
Delegate Occitanie Ouest :
Jocelyn Méré

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Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique

Institut National de la Recherche AgronomiqueResearch organization
Fields of study: Agricultural research

President: François Houllier

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Institut de recherche pour le développement

Institut de recherche pour le développement Research organization

President: Jean-Paul Moatti

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Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale

Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche MédicalePublic research institution of both scientific and technological nature

Fields of study: biomedical research
President: Yves Lévy

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Direction de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche - Météo-France

Centre National de Recherches MétéorologiquesResearch organization
Field of study: meteorology
President and CEO: Virginie Schwarz


Office National d'Études et de Recherche Aérospatiale

Office National d'Études et de Recherche AérospatialeResearch organization
Fields of study: Aeronautical, space and defence research
Director: Bruno SAINJON
