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25/03/2025 - 15:28



The network

The network counts 61 libraries distributed throughout the Midi-Pyrenées region. These libraries, part of 12 institutions members of the Université de Toulouse, provide access to their users thanks to a pass/card. The network libraries shares a common catalogue of all their collections.

How to use our services

The students who have enrolled in one of the member institutions of the Université de Toulouse are given access to all the libraries. Access to the libraries is free of charge for consultation but loans are restricted to registered users.

The Carte MUT (multi-service pass of the Université de Toulouse) is available to all the students, lecturers, researchers and staff registered in one of the member institutions of the Université de Toulouse.

A specific "pass" granting the status of "authorized reader" can be available at a charge to anyone wishing to borrow books in the network libraries (Please see for terms and conditions).


Over 1,1 million references and 2,4  million "physical” documents: Books, Periodicals, Audiovisual documents, Sound tracks, Music scores, Maps, Multimedia documents, Theses and reports, Manuscripts and ancient collections.

190 e-resources: 66 aggregations of e-journals - Over 52,000 journals, 58 databases, 66 aggregations of e-journals - Over 52,000 journals, 36 aggregations of e-books or texts, 30 encyclopedias or dictionaries
The collections cover all the academic and research fields of the Université de Toulouse.



The Archipel catalogue is available online.
It describes all the printed, digital, audiovisual, multimedia collections of documents of the 61 libraries of the network. It helps to identify and localize the documents to be consulted or borrowed.
Several search modes are available: simple, multi-criteria, alphabetical...


Lirel lists all the e-magazines and journals available and provides access to the full text just by clicking...
Over 52,000 magazines and journals in full are available on the Internet at the Universiy of Toulouse.

Lirel will help you find your way through this huge bunch of documents thanks to:

  • alphabetical lists of titles
  • search by title, publisher, topic or ISSN code
  • search by disciplines: e.g the 63 journals of “Mineral chemistry” or the “10 Fiscal Law” Journals,etc…

For each journal, Lirel offers:

  • a link with the full text
  • information on access “available since 2000” or on the Toulouse libraries which can offer access
  • a link to other related services: interlibrary loans, link with the impact indexof the journal when available…


Tolosana is the virtual library of all the ancient digital collections offering:

  • Search per word / List per topic / List per origin
  • Multi-criteria advanced search (author, title, subject, printer)
  • PDF downloading of the work