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25/03/2025 - 18:10

Come to the university

Come to the university

The University services are divided into four structures:

Allées Jules Guesde (head office) - L'Accueil Welcome - Desk

Spread over three levels, the building houses the management and administrative services, the general services, the Department Formation & Vie Etudiante, the Department des Relations Européennes et Internationales, the Service Diffusion de la Culture des Sciences et des Techniques, the Communication service, the team ESOF 2018, the Maison Universitaire Franco Mexicaine (MUFRAMEX), the Consortium Université des Sciences et des Technologies de Hanoi, Campus France.

  • L'Accueil Welcome Desk: a hall of 310 m², opened since September 2015, equipped with tables, consulting posts and a staff specially dedicated to welcome future students and researchers, integrates the services of reception and orientation of the external partners that are the CAF of Toulouse, the Crous of Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées and the immigration services of the Prefecture of Haute-Garonne.

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La Maison de la recherche et de la valorisation - MRV

The building located on the campus of Rangueil hosts the Service Numérique de l'Université de Toulouse (SNUT), the Research et Doctorat department gathering the Ecole des Docteurs, the Service Inter établissement de Coopération Documentaire (SICD), the cellule Europe +, the Société d’Accélération de Transfert des Technologies(SATT), the Institut de recherche technologique Antoine de Saint Exupéry (IRT), le CFA Midi Sup, l’Atelier Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Environnement, the Institut de la Promotion Supérieure du Travail/Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, l'URFIST.
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Service Inter-universitaire de Coopération Documentaire - SICD

The Service Interétablissements de Coopération Documentaire provides libraries with a set of services that allows for a reduction in internal operations and an improved service to the public.
Address: 15 rue des lois, 31000 Toulouse

La Maison pour la Science - MPLS

Initiated by the Academy of Sciences and piloted at national level by the foundation "la Main à la Pâte", this innovative project is financed thanks to the investment funds of the future and, at a local level by the Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, the Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, the Université Toulouseb- Jean Jaurès and rectorat of the académie of Toulouse.

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