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25/03/2025 - 17:46

HRS4R Label

HRS4R Label

The University of Toulouse takes part in the European strategy, which aims to develop a European research area, where the mobility of researchers would be facilitated, by committing to the HRS4R "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" labeling process.

This commitment supports the project to build the UT as a Great Research University, and aims to develop a continuous improvement approach in the recruitment, reception and support of its staff (doctoral students, post-doctoral students, teacher-researchers, researchers).

The first phase to obtain the label "HR Excellence in Research" is a period of 12 months during which the University of Toulouse undertakes to carry out an inventory as well as an action plan on the themes covered by the label :

  • Ethical and professional aspects
  • Recruitment and career
  • Working conditions
  • Training and doctoral supervision

The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers were adopted by the President on May 30, 2023 and the approval of the European Commission was issued on June 12, making the UT labeling process official