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24/03/2025 - 03:47

Synergie Pédagogie Occitanie. The Blended Learning in support of higher education

Synergie Pédagogie Occitanie. The Blended Learning in support of higher education

Event date
Heure(s) de l'événement
Organized by THE Campus, project supported by the University of Toulous
From 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Event location
At the University Perpignan Via Domitia site in Narbonne, avenue Pierre de Coubertin, building Urbanisme-Immobilier

THE Campus project invites you to the pedagogical event "Synergie Pédagogie Occitanie. The Blended Learning in support of higher education".

Three projects : THE Campus, Prométhée, AgilHybrid

This day is the result of the collaboration of three projects, THE Campus, led by the University of Toulouse, Prométhée, led by the Université Perpignan Via Domitia, and AgilHybrid, led by the Université de Montpellier These projects were awarded a grant from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation for the "blended learning" call for projects and two of them - THE Campus and AgilHybrid - received a European Regional Development Fund (REACT EU).

The program

The objective is to exchange, experiment and debate on the results of these projects, the systems put in place, but also more broadly on regional and national initiatives that have developed the blended learning.

Registration (free) and information (place, schedules, program) on


THE Campus project is supported by the University of Toulouse.
More information : Toulouse Hybrid Education Campus - THE Campus